Beautiful Blogger Award! I’m so honored!

This past week has been really exciting here on the blog!  One of my recipes has gone pretty viral on pinterest and now my daily views are 10 times what they were a week ago!  Crazy!  And if that’s not exciting enough, I’ve been nominated for my second award!  Thank you so much to Carla Sue at Eat Sweet for nominating me!  I’m so glad that other people read my blog and hopefully get inspired to cook something.  It means a lot to me!  So I just want to say  thank you so much to all of my readers and followers!

As per the rules of this award, here are 7 things you might not know about me:

1.  I played basketball for 8 years.

2.  In the summers, I work with special needs children at ChildsPlay Therapy Center .

3.  I planned my entire wedding and LOVED every second of it.  I could totally see myself being a wedding planner.

4.  After seeing a girl on America’s Next Top Model fry Oreos, I thought I’d give it a try.  As a result, I nearly burnt the house down and ruined some perfectly good Oreos.  (p.s. oil does not necessarily need to boil in order for it to be at the appropriate temp for frying…lesson learned.  Also, don’t try anything you see on America’s Next Top Model)

5.  Our dog Jazzy is part Siberian Husky and part German Shepherd.  I guess that makes her a Siberian Shepherd?  She’s the best dog ever.

6.  My husband and I long-distance dated for 4 1/2 years.  He was in the Navy stationed in Washington State, and I was in college at Auburn University.  Thank goodness for Skype.

7.  I’m super excited that Shark Week starts today.  I can’t remember a summer where I did not watch Shark Week.  Why am I so obsessed with it?  Well, do YOU know how to avoid a shark attack and, if necessary, survive one?  I do.  Thanks Discovery Channel.

And now (drumroll please), here are some of my favorite blogs that I would like to nominate for this award!

Anthem Song

Rantings of an Amateur Chef

Sweet Little Thang

Chew Out Loud

I Heart Eating

Can’t Stay Out of the Kitchen

Homemade with Mess

Here are the rules for this award (if you choose to accept):

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog.
2. Choose seven blogs to nominate and let them know by leaving a comment.
3. Request that the chosen blogs pass on the award to their favourite blogs.
4. Copy and paste the award on your blog post.
5. List seven things about yourself.

10 thoughts on “Beautiful Blogger Award! I’m so honored!

  1. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen

  2. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award | Can't Stay Out Of The KitchenCan't Stay Out Of The Kitchen

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